Saturday, May 31, 2008

Chengwatana Farm

Chengwatana Farm
Palisade, Minnesota

Bob and I decided to start this blog as a way of staying connected with our friends and family, rather than continuing the Caringbridge web site. This seemed more flexible and appropriate, now that Bob is recovering from his illness.
We've had a busy, busy spring. I, of course, am still working, albeit from home most of the time. We have a wonderful lady who comes in to stay when I am away for a meeting or to spend time at my office. Her name is Rose, and she has become part of the family.
Spring is always busy on the farm, but this year the usual work and the extra work related to Bob's cancer treatment have really kept us hopping. We are trying to establish the usual BIG garden, plus we are getting set up to raise our own organic eggs and chickens this year. This has entailed building a big fenced area for the chickens to roam in, and a chicken house substantial enough to keep the hens cosy over the winter. Bob's work days are reduced in length because of his need for additional rest, so I am learning all kinds of new skills related to carpentry and fence construction. Even some mechanical skills beyond adding gas and oil, if you can believe that.
People around northern Minnesota are commenting about the amazing crop of dandelions we are enjoying this year. This morning I picked ten quarts of blossoms and started a new batch of dandelion wine. It will be ready to drink by fall. I believe dandelion wine has some medicinal properties -- that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
While I was picking dandelions, I had a visit from a family of killdeers. These little birds are shorebirds in the plover family, with long legs and a body the size of a robin. The parents were taking their fledgelings out for their first walk in the sunshine -- what a commotion as the parents tried to keep the brood together, and tried to distract any potential sources of danger (me) by creating a mighty racket of peeps and whistles.
Yesterday, Bob and I drove to Brainerd (about 1 hour each way) to pick up some corrugated roofing material for our chicken house. It was the first day of school summer vacation, as well as graduation day for the local schools, so there were many more people on the roads than is usually the case. We were really happy to get home.
My son Thomas called this morning from Chiang Mai (Thailand). He arrived in Bangkok earlier in the week, and he and his wife, Pamela, will be staying in Thailand until September. The next three weeks they will be at Wat Doi Suthep, the monastery where Thomas had his meditation training when he was only 19 years old (four years ago). This time both he and Pamela are there for a three week meditation retreat. I think they both need the break. When they leave the Wat, they will be traveling to southern Thailand to visit my brother, Mark, and his family for a few days.

It's a lovely, sunny day, and I'm off to do some mowing. Later, we hope to continue the work on the chicken house. More later. Blessings to you all, Lynn Sue.